Interaction - Bachelors

WHAT THEN: A Gamified Learning Platform

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“What then?” is a gamified learning platform aimed towards providing medical students a digital space to practise and study different medical procedures. This concept was drawn from the idea of experimental learning and allowing students to make mistakes. It would follow the “Choose your own adventure” type of game design, allowing students to test their knowledge every step of the way.




The game development began with the Patient-layout scene. The task was to allow the user to rotate the patient arm 108 degrees, just exposing the area the user can make the incision. As this was my first-time work in Gdevelop it took time to understand it features. Below you see how the code developed and included more complex conditions to achieve this task. However, I faced many challenges before I reached this state, including the patients arm falling off the screen, the arm rotating the wrong way and the animations not working.


A challenge I faced, was users only applying the cleaning solution with the Kelly clamps. However, as shown in the image, this wasn’t the case.

At this point in the development phase I began experimenting with variables and constrains, this helped me apply rules for specific conditions. For example, I assigned a variable (k-button) to the Kelly clamp, if the value is 0, the image following the mouse is hidden from the user. Once the user clicks on the Kelly Clamp the value is change to 1, which then prompts the program to show the image. Lastly, the aesthesia (red circles) would only show when the value is changed to 2.


The image below shows the constrains in place to detect if the chest tube (object) in within the area of the incision. Once this was true, the Boolean variable would change to true and thus activate the blue slider. Once the Slider is activated the user can change the depth of the chest tube. This process is animated for the user to see the tube going into the cavity.

Over the last 8 weeks I had the opportunity to push myself out of my comfort zone. From knowing nothing about games development and design, I was successful in building a working prototype. While there are some limitations, WHAT THEN is proof of concept that gamified learning has potential in the medical field.

Kenisha Dsouza

Kenisha is a Dual degree student studying a Bachelors of Design (Interaction) and Information Technology. She hope to use her knowledge in both areas to bridge the gap between Designers and Developers.